Maundy Thursday: Servant Leadership

“Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.” – John 13:4-5
On the night in which He was betrayed, Jesus did one of the lowest act – He Washed His Disciple’s Feet!
Feet washing was the job of the lowest of servants. Jesus who is the supreme leader of all humbles Himself to serve others. Humility is one of the characteristics which the disciples did not have at that time. Jesus was teaching them Servant Leadership.
Servant Leadership
As Jesus comes to St. Peter to wash his feet. Peter says “Jesus, You shall never wash my feet”. Jesus’ reply comes very sharp, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”. Then St. Peter demands for more: ‘wash my hands and head also.’ The disciples had become a consumer of what Jesus had to offer. We often have become consumers of our leaders. Whatever they do for us we just seek the benefits and rewards without any work on our part. “Do for others as you would have them do for you.” – Matthew 7:12. If you enjoy the benefits and blessings of others, then be a blessing to someone else also.
Serving others is the calling of every disciple of Jesus. By this one act of washing the disciple’s feet, Jesus has called us to lead to serve others. Servant Leadership is to take the lead in the service of others.
“Leaders are born, not made.” We often consider leaders to be born great. But there are also leaders who are great because they serve. They weren’t born in palaces, or in high class society to become who they were. Some great examples would be Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, our even our very own Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata.
Lead by Example: Leaders are seen as those who give orders . Servants are seen as those who follow the orders of the leader. But Servant Leadership lead by example. Servant Leaders set the standard by their actions. “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. ” – John 13:15
What does it take to serve others? 1) A Heart of Willingness 2) A Heart of Humility
This Easter weekend pray to God for a heart of willingness and humility to go beyond the comfort zone.
“Jesus washes the feet of the Apostles. Are we ready to serve others like this?” – Pope Francis

30 Years 30 Lessons

Bye, bye Twenties! Hello, Thirties!

I believe aging is the process of accumulating God’s faithfulness. As I step into another year of His faithfulness, I want to share lessons that I’ve learned over the course of these years. Though most of this is an outflow of Christ-Faith over the last 10 years. But as I look back I feel that God’s hand was upon me all throughout my life.
Some of these lessons I’ve learned from dear ones who modeled this for me, others are a result of self-reflection.

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The Unsung Heroes of Everyday

In the 21st century life is so fast paced with the advent of technology, mass media and communication, most of our time is taken up with entertainment and socialising. Other times is just plain old hard work or studies or even family time and household chores. We are just passing each day so fast that we don’t even realise it – Half the year of 2014 has passed us by.

This is my attempt in slowing things down – Taking notice of people around us whom we would hardly notice. But thank God for them as they make our lives a smooth ride. Read more

Man of Steel – The Real Superman (Christian Review)

Man of Steel is a 2013 superhero film based on the DC Comics character Superman. This is a christian review of the movie. Superman’s life & mission as portrayed in the movie in comparison to Jesus, The Real Superman.

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Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (A Christian Review)

Let me first start by saying I am and always will be a Batman fan. From childhood I have preferred Batman from DC Comics better than other superheroes. Because here is a man who has no superpower whatsoever fights for justice and peace for a city so corrupt. His dedication to a City he still believes in Gotham.

After recently seeing ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ I seemed to find a lot of Christian Symbolism. I do not know wether Nolan or the script writers put  it cause of their christian faith or not, I am not being able to say. But this much I have noticed in the latest Batman Trilogy that it mirrors a lot of Christian Symbolism. Read more