The Power of a Whisper

**Phone Ringing** +3754 calling… – I answer: Hello Papa.

That’s a phone call I receive few times a week. My dad works in a foreign country, and he uses some VOIP (voice over internet phone) number. Every time the number changes to something new. In fact it even shows other foreign phone code numbers. One time I got a call from Belgium. But it was my dad calling from the gulf. Has it happened to you? You receive a phone call from a random number, but you know it isn’t a tele-caller trying to sell something. It’s a person you know!

The reason we know the person on the other side of the mysterious number is cause we spent time with them. I know my dad when he calls, I’ve been with him. I know his voice.

It’s the same when it comes to listening to our Heavenly Father.

The Power of a Whisper

There is a place in the Bible where God spoke to the Prophet Elijah in a gentle whisper. Elijah was looking for God in the strong wind, the powerful earthquake and the blazing fire, but God was not in them, His presence came upon Elijah in the quietness of a whisper. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

Sometimes we want to believe in God only when He does big things for us. Elijah was looking for a big blockbuster Hollywood movie-style sign from God, the hurricane, the earthquake, the volcano effect. Even we sometimes look up at the cloud shapes hoping there’s a message from God, or maybe expect the next phone call from God. But the truth is: God is closer than you think.

He knows you from your mother’s womb (Jer 1:5), He knows the number of hair on your head (Luk 12:7). That’s how much close He is to us. Whispering doesn’t work if the person is on the other side of the room. To listen to God’s whisper, we must be close to Him.

Let us be still and feel His presence, allow His whisper to become a crescendo of power in our lives.

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